2023 Blogs

What Are We Doing About Drug Overdose?

International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD) is a time to remember and honor those who have died of an overdose and those who mourn their loss. Building awareness of the problem of overdose and the accompanying stigma is also a component of IOAD. It’s also an opportunity to take action to end overdose.


Laughing Has Health Benefits

The National Cancer Institute found that people who laugh regularly boost their immune system by decreasing hormones related to stress inside their body. In addition, laughter ups the number of natural killer cells and activated T cells, which are two things that can help your body stay healthy and strong. If you are feeling lonely or depressed, try watching a comedy and have a good laugh. There is a good chance that it will make you feel a little better.


Mental Health Awareness Month: Resources for Soldiers

The month of May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Mental Health Awareness Month has been observed in the U.S. since 1949. In the past few years, the Army has looked at its resources and programs available to Soldiers and worked to improve upon them based on the feedback from and needs of Soldiers and leaders.


Finding Peace of Mind

Each of us goes through challenging times. Whether it’s loss of a loved one, divorce, loss of a job, or some other draining event, we will have to get through it and move on.


Keeping a Journal Can Be Good Medicine

Resilience is about coping with setbacks. It’s about finding the strength to respond to life’s challenges. There are many setbacks in life one must meet and overcome. One of those challenges is the loss of a loved one.


Peer-to-Peer Influence in the Prevention of Harmful Behaviors

Over the past few years, the Army has been updating and developing policies and directives to better prevent harmful behaviors. Since 2020, a few committees and commissions have done a deep dive into harmful behaviors within the DOD and the Army to find more effective methods aimed at tackling these behaviors.


New Goals for the New Year? R2PCs Can Help Your Journey

At the start of a new year, people create goals or resolutions of things they’d like to accomplish, as this time represents a new beginning. Sometimes the goals created can cause a bit of stress or anxiety, as it may be a new venture or something that has been put off for a while.
