Gold Star and Next of Kin Lapel Button
What is a Gold Star lapel pin?
The Army issues this pin to a widow or widower, to each of the parents, each child (natural or adoptive), stepchild, brother, half brother, sister and half sister of a service member who lost their life while serving in war or periods of armed hostilities, while engaged in military operations involving armed conflict with an opposing foreign force; while serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in an armed conflict in which the U.S. is not a belligerent party against an opposing armed force; while serving in a military operation outside the U.S. as part of a peacekeeping force; or who lost their life due to an international terrorist attack.
What is a Next of Kin lapel button?
The Army issues this button to each widow or widower, to each of the parents, each child (natural or adoptive), stepchild, brother, half brother, sister and half sister of a service member who lost their life while on active duty or while assigned in USAR or ARNG units in a drill status. The terms “widow” and “widower” include those who have since remarried; the term “parents” includes mother, father, stepmother, stepfather, adoptive mother or father, and foster parents who stood in loco parentis.
How do I get a replacement Gold Star lapel pin or Next of Kin lapel button?Requests for replacements can be sent to the Army Human Resources Command; for instructions go to: