Financial stability and security are an important part of supporting surviving Family members today and in the future. There are several resources for Families to help them adjust to financial changes and to plan wisely.
HEART Act of 2008 – The Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax Act of 2008 (HEART Act Public Law 110-245, §109) allows recipients of a death gratuity and/or SGLI to contribute all or part of the payments to a Roth IRA and/or a Coverdell Education Savings Account (CESA) without restrictions on contributions or distributions. Contributions must be made within one year of receiving the benefits. If you are the recipient of a death gratuity and/or the SGLI, you can protect and grow these assets for long-term financial security. For more information, read the HEART Act for Beneficiaries.
Beneficiary Financial Counseling Service (BFCS) – This service provides Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance beneficiaries with free advice from Financial Point, an independent company with a team of experts who handle many types of financial matters. Beneficiaries can access this service online 24/7 to request a financial plan. *Note: The service is available for two years from the date the claim is paid; it includes 40 hours of personal counseling and access to the program’s online resources. https://www.benefits.va.gov/insurance/bfcs.asp
MilTax – Military life can make for tricky taxes. To help, the Defense Department offers MilTax software through Military OneSource. It takes into account deployments, combat and training pay, housing and rentals, multistate filings, living OCONUS and more. Visit the website for more details: https://www.militaryonesource.mil/financial-legal/tax-resource-center/miltax-military-tax-services/.
Financial Readiness Program – This program provides general information about military benefits, spending plans, retirement, TSP, debt repayment, tax planning, identity theft, managing consumer credit, and consumer safety and rights. The Army’s personal financial counselors and managers (PFCs and PFMs) offer education. *Note: PFCs and PFMs cannot provide investment advice. To find a PFC or PFM, visit the Financial Readiness website: https://www.financialfrontline.org/.